Wednesday, October 8, 2008

5 Days Together

Ok! Time for another update. :) This time though, it'll be a bit different. Here's the most recent couple of days together as Woodbulls. Everyone except Dot and myself. We were in Malawi taking the SAT again, while everyone else was having fun together :) Soo, since I wasn't there and don't know what went on, I've dragged Sarah Ellen in to give me the run down.


Hannah: And here she is! Hi Sarah!

Sarah: Hi!

Hannah: So, how were the five days together as Woodbulls?

Sarah: They were super fun!

Hannah: Yah! I bet! Anyways, can you please tell me all the stories behind these pics? Here's the first one...

Sarah: The bros playing Battle Front. They played it every day.

Hannah: Awww!!! Beautiful Bethy!

Sarah: Oh yah, Gracie and I came in while she was taking that picture and we were pretending we were camera people and we were gunna take lots of pictures of her for her profile pic.... but... she wouldn't cooperate. 

Hannah: Ohhh hehe... Anddd by the way, for all those who read this blog, Bethy is going to be 18 this Friday! Wow! Can we hear a happy TWO days 'til her birthday!! 

Sarah: Gracie was studying her verses and I'm doing school.

Hannah: Ohh so it was early morning. Were you feeling tired?

Sarah: No. I was feeling wide awake cause I had just taken a cold shower.

Hannah: Woah! Really a cold shower?!

Sarah: Well, it started off cold but then it got hot ;)

Hannah: Ohhh okk :) Well, at least you were awake! :)

Hannah: And what are Ian and Andrew doing??

Sarah: Haha, I don't know. I wasn't in there.

Hannah:... hmmm... yah... not sure...

Hannah: Wow! What is the story behind Sparkle being dressed up??

Sarah: Lil' Andrew, Benaiah and Bethy were telling us about how they had dressed up Sparkle while we were in Beira. So we decided we would dress her up. hehe.

Hannah: Aw, haha, poor Sparkle!

Sarah: Oh yah. That's Aunt Julie trying to keep a straight face so that her face mask wouldn't crack. Everyone kept coming in and laughing at her, so it was hard to keep a straight face.

Hannah: And then I guess you guys put on masks too?

Sarah: Yep! 

Sarah: Gracie and I were really giddy so we were trying to act like Chinese people. We put on bright red lipstick and yah.

Hannah: Haha! Wow! You guys look like mimes.... great facial expressions! :P

Sarah: Oh and there was this lady on the back of the face mask package. She looked really goofy! She had huge lips and was trying to look like she was relaxing. So Gracie and I tried to look like her. 

Hannah: haha! Wow! Good job!

Hannah: You look relaxed ;)

Sarah: I'm not sure what he's doing....

Hannah: Did he play with legos a lot while you guys were over there?

Sarah: Naw, only once.

Hannah: fun fun!

Hannah: Awww! What great lil' bros!

Sarah: Bethy was the only one being normal when we all put on the mask.

Hannah: Haha. Way to go Bethy! :D

Hannah: Um... wow...

Sarah:I don't have anything to say about it... I wasn't there. 

Sarah: No clue.

Hannah: AH! The 2nd is armless!

Sarah: Oh! We played Camps everyday except for Sunday. It got really boring after the first day.

Hannah: Yah, I bet! So what was your's and Graice's sign?

Sarah: I can't tell.

Hannah: Wow! Really!

Sarah: Yah, it's really good! 

Hannah: Ok well, there are all the pictures we have. Do you have any fun stories to tell us Sarah?

Sarah: Gracie and I were extremely bored cause we finished our school early. So, we decided to make soup for lunch. We got a.. umm... cream of chicken soup and a cream of mushroom soup.

Hannah: Canned soup?

Sarah: No, they were in packets.

Hannah: Okk... back to your story.. thanks :)

Sarah: So we cut open the packets and poured them into the pot. It looked like there were more spices than usual. So we looked closer and we noticed that all the spices were moving. haha. Then we realized that they were bugs! But we just decided we would cook it anyways, cause our oats always have bugs in them and no one has died. We just wouldn't tell anybody. So we got the water and poured it into the pot, and all the bugs floated to the top. And we realized just how many there were. The whole top of the pot was covered! And right after that happened Bethy walked through the door.

Hannah: Uh oh! haha

Sarah: So we started stirring it so that it would mix up the bugs that way they weren't as obvious. Then we decided to sift it. We got out the sifter and started sifting all the soup. Meanwhile, Bethy was in the kitchen cutting up and apples and didn't even notice. Finally, after a long time she asked us why we were sifting the soup. Haha. We told her, "Just to be safe." Then she said, "Safe from what?!" So we said, "Oh just safe. Just in case." After a while though, she figured it out. So we told her not to say anything to anyone else. After all the soup was gone, we told everyone except for Uncle Charles. We told him the next day :) 

Hannah: Haha, sounds like fun! I guess you and Gracie didn't try cooking again?

Sarah: Actuallllyyyy, we cooked pudding next.

Hannah: Oh?

Sarah: Haha. Now that started out working fine, but after we were stirring it on the stove top for about an hour, we decided to put in corn starch to thicken it. Then we put in more. And more. And more.

Hannah: Oh no!

Sarah: Then we finally decided to take it off the stove. As soon as we took it off it started to solidify really fast! And then we divided it up into cups. Then we put them in the freezer but they spilled over all the candy bars. So we had to wash off the candy bars. Well, actually we just scraped the pudding back into the cups and then washed the candy bars. And yah, in the end, I don't think anyone really liked it. It tasted... interesting. 

Hannah: Haha! You guys are to funny! 

Sarah: Yah, we decided not to cook anything else.

Hannah: Sounds like a good idea ;). So any other fun things you would like to tell us about?

Sarah: Ummm... nope that's just about it.

Hannah: Cool! Well, thank you so...

Sarah: Ohh yah! Gracie and I had a sensible conversation finally!

Hannah: Haha! Wow! Way to go lil' sisters! :D... While Damarise and I were in Malawi Bethy text us and told us she was praying for us and that Sarah and Gracie would have a sensible conversation. Haha. 

Sarah: Yah, we were really giddy and just talked about nonsense and goofy stuff. So we told them that we were going to have a sensible talk.

Hannah: Well, I'm glad you did! :)     Okk.. Well, thank you Sarah Ellen for filling us in on the week! It was nice to hear your voice... or... typed voice... on this blog :) Anything you wanna say to the readers?

Sarah: Umm... Always have a sifter at hand if you're going to make soup in Mozambique, cause you never know what might pop out of the package.

Hannah: Haha! Thank you Sarah! 

Okk, until next time...

Sarah: That's all for now folks...

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Great entry! Loved to hear about the cooking adventures. I always enjoy reading about the adventures of the Woodbulls.