Monday, July 14, 2008

School Daze...

The Woodbulls once were sitting indoors,
Studying school like it was a chore.
When suddenly they had a thought,
Really... it all started with Dot,
She wrote a poem and told the fam,
Which then inspired Kent and "BAM!"
All went on a poem writing spree,
And here they be for the wide world to see.

Dot's Poem:

"Math is so confusing.
Math is such a pain.
It's like a second language.
It makes me go insane.

Why so many formulas?
It makes no sense to me.
I just don't care if a +b
Is equal to y or z."

Andrew's (The 2nd's) Poem:

"Math is cruel, math is wrong,
Math can never make me strong.
Weights though, on the other hand,
Can turn me into quite the man."

Gracie's Poem:

Sine, cosine: Age and Perspective

"When I was just a little girl
With time and still carefree
I used to play the teachers pet
The best that I could be

But now I see that School is hard
And always such a bore
And now it’s not a game at all
For now it is a chore!

But maybe when I’m old and wise
(Like when I’m 34)
I’ll think back on these long school days
And wish that I’d learned more."

Benaiah's Poem:

Hard, Long
Frustrating, tiring, aggravating,
Tough, rough, great, neat,
Teaching, Guiding, Amazing
Good, cool

Hannah's Poem:

Is School Cool?
"Some say school is cool.
Others say school's a duel.
Addition and Grammar fighting to be,
The highest priority inside of me.
Kicking and wrestling tryin' to be heard,

Yet all I hear is something absurd!
All that info piled in my brain,
Starts to leak like a rusty ol' drain.
And when it's time for that notorious test
My brain starts to flutter. It won't take a rest.
The question before me is 1 x 3.
My brain reels
And then squeals.
'It couldn't be three
That's to easy you see.'
So my brain spits then sputters.
My pencil burns rubber,
and there before me the answer stands.
There it is between my hands.
'1 x 3 = funnery fun x - y = lay not lie'
It's a rather long answer, but only right.
For what my brain tells me that do I write."

Ian's Poem:


"Studying makes my brain drain all over my answers,
Then my brain seems like there are a thousand lances,
Making my brain do unusual dances."

Bethy's Poem:

Come Out and Play

“Come out and play” but I can’t take a look.
“Come out and play” dares the delightful day.
“Come out and play” breathes the bubbling brook.
“Come out and play” I hear in dismay
The call of the blue birds, the cry of the rooks.
“Come out and play”…oh just go away!
For I’m stuck in this mire of morbid math books!

Lil' Andrew's Poem:


"I just wish I could bang my grammer,
Over the head 
with my hammer!
So that, it would lookish... hookish!"

Sarah Ellen's Poem:

"School why school,
School makes me drool.
It's so boring,
I just start snoring.

Math I hath.
Oo, it makes me quite wrath.

Spelling in my dwelling,
Just makes me start yelling!

And history,
it is far to much of a mystery!

Science like giants,
Go way o'er my head,
So that I must simply go to bed."

Kent's Poem:

Numbers and Knights

"Numbers are swirling in front of my eyes.
I glance at the clock: Oh my! How time flies!
And here I am stuck on my math problem one;
Tomorrow will be here before I am done.

I turn to my math. This has got to get done
But adding, dividing just aren’t all that fun.
I’ve sat here for hours, my paper still white;
My mind is quite lost in numerical night.

A confusing muddle of angles and signs
Are jos’ling about with sine and cosines.
I’ve studied, I’ve tried but to no avail;
These fractions and functions still make my mind quail.

I look out the window. It’s a beautiful day.
The green grass is calling me, “Come out and play.”
But no here I am stuck behind this huge book
Of nonsense where vowels are for numbers mistook.

I turn to my page; I have got to make hay
Problem One; oh that’s easy. 3x2 is A.
Problem Two; What’s 3i times the square root of pi…
“The square root of pi!” Oh, I could just die.

I throw down my pencil. “It’s hopeless,” I cry.
A tear starts to form at the edge of my eye.
It rolls down my nose and lands with a plop
On my paper and makes a wet mark there on top.

Say, look at that stain. It looks like a horse
With a knight and his lance, and his armor of course.
I take up my pencil to shade just a bit;
I’ll finish my knight and then I will quit.

But what is a knight without castle and keep?
Soon on my paper there are walls and a deep
Moat that surrounds my palace so grand,
And there on the ramparts a maiden will stand.

And here in the corner a market takes shape
Complete with a troubadour and his bright cape.
And why not some monkeys from Africa too,
And hippos, and lions…. Hey, I’ll draw a zoo!

Soon panthers and polar bears prance on my page
And elephants dance on a circus’s stage.
An astronaut waves from the edge of the moon.
A gypsy band dances and plays a glad tune.

I sit back and smile; there’s pride in my look.
And then like a specter, I see my math book.
Oh no! I have wasted an hour or two!
I find a clean sheet. But my, how time flew!

Numbers are swirling in front of my eyes.
I glance at the clock and my heart heaves a sigh,
For here I am stuck on my math problem two;
Tomorrow will be here before I am through."

The end...

Ps- Sorry for all the messed up stuff in the poems (Like a picture in the middle of the poem;) I couldn't get it all to fit right... :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the poetry corner! You all are quite creative...when it comes to not doing your homework :)
Ellen Bascuti