Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kruger Park

After splitting up for 4 days in Pretoria, we were looking forward to hanging out again, this time at Kruger :)

hehe, a statue at Skukuza. One of them is Mr. Kruger, I think it's the one with glasses.

Baboons! SO cute!

Bethy and Dot on our Safari Sunset Drive! It was a neat experience!

This is the safari truck

And the guinea foul. They love getting mobs of themselves on the road and holding up cars:) hehe...

An elephant that we saw on the Sunset Drive. It was scary! we were shining lights on it, when all of a sudden it charged right at us! Haha, some of us were definitely scared!

Sisters forever!!! * Sarah's not here* :(

A Bridge:) I love bridges!

Deep in thought...

How many people does it take to put a coin in the washer??

Ok, so the museum we went to had an enormously large name! "Gold fields" Is the name in English and that long word is the Afrikaans word for that!

Aw poor elephant got stabbed to death by another one's tusks! What a painful way to die!

Ian and the 2nd were... hot... ha ha.... so they cooled down by the huge air conditioner!


Runnnn!!! It's a charging elephant! (the woods have a cooler pic... but i don't have it right now)

A Real elephant! So amazing!

Buffalo! :)


impala! They covered the park! There were at least 20 every kilometer.

A HUGE bird, although huge is putting it lightly. These things are massive!

Water Buck. So serene and wise looking.

Aw, this is sad! We were driving along and saw these 2 hornbills (The bird off "Lion King") Anyways, one was dead and the other one was staring at it with this blank look :( Aw, poor thing! Anyways, we named them the "Dead Birds" cause we realized later how that bird must've died. They would fly right for your car like they didn't even see you! We almost hit one, but fortunately braked at the last moment! We went flying but the bird wasn't harmed;)

Hippo:) They are huge!

And have a rather large and scary looking mouth!! Did you know, that they are Africa's deadliest animals? They've killed more people than any other animal. And here I was, always imagining them like ballerinas, like in all the books I read as a kid. Hehe, not anymore!

Alligators... or maybe they were crocodiles?


Aww, I don't know why I like this pic, but I do.

Us at a picnic lunch:)

Wart hogs:) They are a very... interesting creature.

The largest Boabob tree in the southern half of Africa, I think. Maybe it was just below the Tropic of Capricorn...

Ostriches! I love how they walk!

More buffalo.

Lions!!! They look so peaceful and nice!

Hehe, a Pawpaw... it's a type of fruit that looks really exotic!

Giraffes! They are my favourite animal! I looove how they eat! And they always seem so laid back and just go with the flow. :)

Another ginormous bird!!!

Awww, a baby zebra!

This was sooo amazing! There were zebra, giraffe and an elephant all together! WOW!

All of them together again. After this pic, the elephant started to shake it's head (Sign of it getting angry) and started running at us. We figure out it was cause we were in the way of it and the watering hole! Whoops!

Hehe, he jumped up onto this watering hole and stuck his trunk in to get a drink of water! It was really cool to watch!

This was so majestic! It was like we were in a scene off of "Lion King"

Hehe, uh oh! Uncle Ken got out of the car?!?!

Giraffe drinking! I wasn't actually there to see it, but everyone else said it was really cool!

Eating out at Satara... This was before the night drive:)

Hehe, Dot and I got out of the car too. We just had to say we actually stepped out in Kruger outside of the campgrounds. :)

Aw! This was so sweet! A mother Hyena with her pups! 

Cute pups!

We celebrated Gracie's 13th birthday there:) She loved all her presents, especially the one she's holding that she got from her parents. She talked in high pitch voice for about 2 minutes straight! 

Aw, Uncle Ken and Aunt Lisa feet in the sunset. What can I say, we love feet pictures;)

The brothers:)

And the whole Woodbull family, with parents:)

Uncle Ken barbecuing for everyone! Mmmm was it good!


Some of the icecream we were all treated to. Thank you!!

The next day we left Kruger Park. We saw all these elephants crossing the road on our way out! It was at least 30 of them! They just kept coming! Awww, and the babies were so cute!
We spent 6 days total in Kruger and it was a terrific experience! We got to see so much of God's amazing creation!! He is a marvelous Creator!

After that, we went our separate ways again, and that was the end of a wonderfully great vacation! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at your photos and reading your blog! I visited the Woodrow family several years ago with a group from my church, and it has become one of the fondest memories of my life. I am so happy that you two families have found each other!

Would you be able to send me the full size version of the photo of the lion peeking out from the grass? I love that picture and would like to use it on my desktop.

Susan Barrett